Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Cosmology and the Bible Essay - 1990 Words
As one grows older, he begins to question life and how the universe was made. Therefore, it is vital that he has a solid worldview. This worldview has its foundation in cosmology. Cosmology is defined as the branch of science concerned with origin, structure, changes, and the final destiny of the universe. Therefore, the importance of origins/cosmology in a worldview is that it shapes how one sees the universe. Without studying cosmology, one would not have a firm foundation for his worldview because he would not understand how or why the universe was formed. Through the study of cosmology, one is able to better understand how the universe was formed and how it will one day become. Therefore, cosmology affects a†¦show more content†¦This is true because as a student learns, he expands his vision of the world to include more than just what he is able to physically see. In addition, Spurgeon believes that astronomy will bring us into closer communion with God than any o ther science. This statement is debatable because God can be seen in many different areas of science. However, there is something about studying the vast universe that makes a person stand in awe under the night sky because the universe is so difficult for a small human mind to comprehend. This idea has been seen in the lives of Kepler and Newton. Both Kepler and Newton were awestruck at the wonders of the universe. However, astronomy would not have been made possible without the invention of the telescope. As Spurgeon said, â€Å"the Bible is to us what the telescope is to the astronomer†(Spurgeon 406). This quote has a lot of truth behind it because while the Bible is the owner’s manual to life, the telescope reveals the night sky to astronomers so that they are able to better study it. Spurgeon also realizes that worship through astronomy is not necessarily how everyone worships. Thus, he states, â€Å"worship the Lord in your own fashion†(Spurgeon 408). This is very significant in the article because it acknowledges that people can worship God in more than just one way. However, Spurgeon warned man about self-centeredness while worshiping. Spurgeon declared that, â€Å"we must not fall into that error, for just as theShow MoreRelatedWestern and Eastern Cosmologies1423 Words  | 6 PagesProfessor Stayton English 201 21 April 2015 Western and Eastern Cosmologies According to Drew Dellinger, the word cosmology has two definitions. The first definition of cosmology is: â€Å"the branch of philosophy dealing with the origin and general structure of the universe, with its parts, elements, and laws, and especially with such of its characteristics as space, time, causality, and freedom (Drew).†The second definition of cosmology is: â€Å"the branch of astronomy that deals with the general structureRead MoreIs The Big Bang Theory?884 Words  | 4 PagesWhat is the Big Bang theory? According to the bible and to scientist their are two different views. 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The goal of the book is to help persons in Wesleyan denominations clearly understand the differences between Wesleyan theology and fundamentalist theologyRead MoreThe Mormon Belief System1469 Words  | 6 PagesMormon belief system has many different principles that are unique and set themselves apart from other world religions, one of which being their views on cosmology. The Mormon cosmology belief is the description of the physical and metaphysical universe. Their beliefs on t he subject are deeply engrained in the religion’s basic faith; cosmology is related to the church’s views on divinity, extraterrestrial life, pre-mortal existence, and the afterlife. Mormon divinity revolves around the core beliefsRead MoreReligion and Myth1007 Words  | 5 Pagesadequately express. In bibilical interpretation a myth is a story which communicates a set of values or beliefs through imagery. The most important thing in the myth is the message and not the literal truth of the imagery. . Good examples in the bible include: Jonah and the Whale Noah’s Ark The resurrection of Jesus There are three senses in which the word ‘myth’ could be applied to religious texts and religious statements: -The myth could be a method of interpreting ‘ultimate reality’, as describedRead MoreThe Major Divisions Of Philosophy860 Words  | 4 Pagesdefinition given is â€Å"a division of philosophy that is concerned with the fundamental nature of reality and being and that includes ontology, cosmology, and often epistemology.†According to John Phillips, in his book Exploring the Gospel of John, Aristotle used Metaphysics to refer to ultimate reality. Metaphysics can be subdivided into 4 areas: Ontology, Cosmology, Psychology, Theology. Some have referred to Metaphysics as the â€Å"metaphysical†. It literally means after, beyond, or against and opposedRead MoreThe Evolution Of Human Origins1179 Words  | 5 Pagesbiological evolution teaches something contradictory to the Bible†(Walton). He explains that anything proposed by the science could be taken as granted, but he thinks the idea that God is involved in every process should not also be excluded. He argues with intelligent theory, young earth creationism and old earth creationism ideas. He does not want to reject the biological evolution, big bang theory, and the fossil records, while believing in the Bible. Finally he states that the authority and nature ofRead MoreThe Limitations Of Science On Human Health1090 Words  | 5 Pagescannot answer religious questions, there forth, it cannot come to religious conclusions. Despite this fact, sometimes the scientific environment comes to assumptions that contradict the literal knowledge of the Bible. However, this is not surprising and neither does it show that the Bible is inaccurate. Religion and Science operates differently, therefore, they often disagree. In addition, there are limitations in the scientific methods that often not necessarily appreciated by the apologists of
Monday, December 16, 2019
Acc/230 Week 2 Assignment Lucent Technologies Case Free Essays
Week 2 Individual: Lucent Technologies Case Assignment: Read Case 2. 1: Lucent Technologies on pp. 79 and 80 (Ch. We will write a custom essay sample on Acc/230 Week 2 Assignment Lucent Technologies Case or any similar topic only for you Order Now 2) of the text. Compose a 500- to 750-word paper that includes your answers to questions 2-4 on p. 79. Question #2: Evalutat the asset, debt, and equity structure of Lucent Technologies, as well as trends and changes found on the common-size balance sheet. After reviewing the case of Lucent Technologies, we discover that the assets for Lucent Technologies suffered a decline between 2003 and 2004. According to the information provided in the case revealing, the current assets in 2003 was 49. 4% of Lucent Technologies total assets, whereas the current assets in 2004 decreased to 48. 5%. Although, after reviewing the case the percentage of inventory rose from 4. 0% in 2003 to 4. 8% in 2004. We can then calculate there is about a 20% increase in the total inventory holdings. Also it is apparent that Lucent Technologies entire assets in 2003 was 24% and had a decrease in 2004 to about 20%. This can be measured by the company’s cash equivalents and cash. The total debt structure of Lucent Technologies decreased between 2003 and 2004. Lucent Technologies had a decrease in their current liability. In 2003 their current liability was 25. 6% and decreased to 24. 3% during 2004. According to the debts that increased from 23% in 2003 to 26. 4% a year later in the company’s total liability, the debts of Lucent Technologies would be considered long term. In 2003, Lucent Technologies had decreased in the representation of total liabilities and shareholders equity on the equity side for Lucent Technologies when compared to a year later. Improvements can happen and the situation of the company now can improve as the year progresses so the company won’t look deficit. Question #3: What concerns would investors and creditors have based on only this information? Based on only this information for Lucent Technologies, a concern investors and creditors would have when looking at this balance sheet would be the debt structure. When looking at the given information we see a decrease in the total liability, but an increase in the long term liabilities. This could caurse harm to the company since the current liabilities are decreasing from one year to the next. Although, since there is an increase shown for the long term liabilities it balances out to prevent showing a loss. The equity portion is in a superior position for the company. In conclusion, with the given information, Lucent Technologies has been improving looking at 2003 and 2004 and will continue to improve steadily. Question #4: What additional financial and non financial information would investors and creditors need to make investing and lending decision for Lucent Technologies? Some additional financial information that investors and creditors would need in order to make investing and lending decisions for Lucent Technologies would be the company’s financial statements. Investors and creditors would need financial statements for Lucent Technologies because the financial statements contain all the financial information that the investors and creditors would need to make sound investing and lending decisions for Lucent Technologies. The financial statements are the inner workings in a company. The financial statements of a company can be looked at and compared with previous years, in order to find trends in the financial statements and guide investors and creditors to figure out where the company stands and what direction the company may have facing them. Some nonfinancial information that investors and lending decisions for Lucent Technologies would be to know the operating units were created to work together in order to provide cost-efficient solutions and innovative for customers. The business structure can sometimes play a key roll in financial decisions. How to cite Acc/230 Week 2 Assignment Lucent Technologies Case, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Patti Smith - Gung Ho free essay sample
Probably one of the first women to mix punk, bizarre poetry and hard rock, PattiSmith returns with Gung Ho, her first album of new materialin nearly three years. Here, instead of swearing like a mad woman andgrowling like a true punkster, Smith focuses on the range of herdistinctive voice and the rhythm of her band. GungHo could be Smiths most highly-acclaimed album to date. Itsloaded with wonderful harmonies and ranges from her punk roots to heroriginal gritty ballads. No one can call Smith a sellout or a popstar. Smith is one of the most uncompromised female rock artistsin history. She made four ground-breaking records in the late ?s andwas one of the very first artists signed to Arista Records now one ofAmericas biggest record companies. Smith had only one top 20 hit,Because the Night, but she remains a legend and hasinfluenced many rock groups, including Hole, Nirvana, REM andGarbage. We will write a custom essay sample on Patti Smith Gung Ho or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Smiths songwriting ability fuels her music. She is ableto go where most songwriters only dream. Gung Ho is a bitmore refined than most of her other records and not as dark and creepy,but nearly all her albums retain the trail of gritty rock she leftbehind in the ?s. In other words, I like Patti Smith.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Parallels between Scottsboro and Maycomb free essay sample
To Kill a Mockingbird, a classic novel written by Harper Lee, is focused on racism that takes place in Maycomb, Alabama during the 1930s, where African Americans were segregated by white men. Harper Lee said that the Scottsboro trial, which was a trial that started because of discrimination, inspired her on writing To Kill a Mockingbird. Despite the differences between the Scottsboro Boys and To Kill a Mockingbird, both of them had an impact on the racial implications and laws of the south. The Scottsboro Trials was a sad tragedy that took place in Alabama during the 1930s. While nine black youth, ages from 13 to 21, were on a train heading to Memphis, Tennessee to find a job, a fight between the nine black youths and a group of white men started. After the white men were kicked out of the train, they reported what had happened to a stationmaster, and the station master stopped the train at a town called Paint Rock. We will write a custom essay sample on Parallels between Scottsboro and Maycomb or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page After the train stopped, a group of policed jumped on the train and arrested the nine black youths. When they are caught on the train, two white women, dressed in men’s clothes, were found hiding on the train. Then the two white women accused the nine black youths raping them without any evidence. Because raping in 1930s in the Deep South was a big crime, so many trials started. At the end, every one of the Scottsboro Boys were sentenced to death except for the youngest one, Roy Wright, who was 13 years old. The reason why the jurors did not sentence him to death is because of his age. Although he was not sentenced to death, he was still sentenced for spending his life time in jail (The Scottsboro Case (1931)) (Lanset). Maycomb, Alabama is the main setting that the book, To Kill a Mockingbird, took place. Maycomb and the Scottsboro Trials are similar because they both relate to the discrimination between African Americans and white men. It was Tom Robinson, who was accused of rape by a white woman, just as the Scottsboro Boys was, and he was sentenced guilty by all-white juries even though he did nothing wrong. Although he wasn’t sentenced to death, he was still killed by jail guards who shot seventeen bullets at him just because he tried to escape. To Kill a Mockingbird and the Scottsboro Boys are similar because Harper Lee based her story on the Scottsboro Trials. The first case took place during April 1931, and it was taken to the juries around three pm. For less than two hours, the juries announced the verdict, death penalty; after the crows outside heard it, they yelled of approval. Also, the juries also warned people who were in the courthouse that there must be no demonstration staged after the verdict, so the people in the courtroom just applauded, while people outside cheered wildly. The second trial that was held on April 8th, for eighteen-year-old Haywood Patterson. Then the jury announced a verdict of death penalty within three hours. The third case was tried with five boys; Olin Montgomery, who was seventeen and nearly blind, Andy Wright (18 years old), Eugene Williams (17 years old), Willie Robeson (17 years old), and Ozie Powell, who was 16 years old. During this trial, Willie RObeson was suffering from a bad venereal disease, so it was pretty much impossible to rape somebody with that disease. However, the case went to the jury at four pm, and next morning, the verdict was still a death penalty. During the trials, Governor Benjamin Miller even sent the Alabama National Guard to Scottsboro to prevent a death sentence, but at the end, eight of the Scottsboro Boys were still sentenced to death, except for the youngest one, Roy Wright. Although Roy Wright wasn’t sentenced to death, he was still sentenced to be in jail for his whole life (Linder) (Salter). All the trials of Scottsboro started pretty much because of discrimination. On June 22, 1933, Jude James Horton was convinced that Victoria Price was lying because all her stories were inconsistent; also, she had no witnesses and medical evidences for her claims too. Another person, Dr. Lynch, who asked to talk to Horton privately, said that the girls were lying too. As a result, Judge Horton took his verdict of death penalty back, and announced that there will be a new trial. Attorney General Knight also promised that there would be evidences for Victoria Price’s rape story; Orville Gilley, a white boy on the train agreed to testify for the prosecution. William Callahan, a judge whose age is about 75, was going to participate in Haywood Patterson’s next trial on November 1933. During the trial, Judge Callahan cut off all the questions about Victoria Price’s chastity, character, and reputation. Also, when Leibowtiz queried Price about her probability of having sex with someone other than a Scottsboro Boy, Judge Callahan stopped him. He did these because he wanted to debunk this event off the American’s newspaper. Similarly to the Scottsboro trials, Tom Robinson’s trial in To Kill a Mockingbird also started because of discrimination. Mayella wanted to protect her dad, so she accused Tom, an African American, of raping her. She accused a black guy because she knew that in a fight, white men always win (Linder). The Scottsboro Trials incident had impacted the community’s racial climate and the ideologies during the 1930s. Firstly, it had forced the country to look back to their racial practices although white men disliked black men. Secondly, the African Americans changed from republicans to democratic community. Thirdly, the Scottsboro Trials made black men realize how badly the white men were treating them. For example, racial practices and how they were looked upon by law. Lastly, it also changed the way the legal system of the United States is viewed. Because of the Scottsboro Boys, the African Americans learned to fight for their rights†¦ (Ross) (Scottsboro Boys Hist2081) The discrimination between African Americans and white men was the reason why the Scottsboro Trials and the trial in To Kill a Mocking happened. Although black men lost in their trials, they later realize their power, and started to fight for their rights. The Scottsboro Trial is an event that impacted the whole world, especially America, making them realize several things they had done wrong, and to never repeat it again.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Jacqueline Kennedy essays
Jacqueline Kennedy essays Each generation of the United States has represented a time of growth and development for society. Throughout existence there have been individuals that were important personal examples to people around them. Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis has been acknowledged as an exceptional and unique American icon by millions of citizens. She dedicated her life to her country and her loved ones, and impacted the public in many important ways. Not only did she demonstrate the importance of life but she also touched the hearts of many with her style and dignity. Jacqueline Lee Bouvier was born in Southampton, New York on July 28, 1929. Being the elder of two daughters of John and Janet Lee Bouver, she was raised in an affluent and cultured environment mainly in New York, Rhode Island, and Virginia. As a young child, she enjoyed horses and her ability to horseback ride was one of her most favorite activities to complete. She attended Vassar College, studied abroad in Paris, and eventually graduated from George Washington University in 1951. In 1952, while working as a photographer for the Washington Times-Herald, she interviewed Senator John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts. On September 12, 1953 she and Kennedy were married. They had three children, one of which died two days after his birth. As First Lady, Jacqueline Kennedy wanted to make the nations capital a source of pride. She redecorated the White House as well as planned a national cultural center, later named the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. On November 22, 1963 Jacqueline witnessed her husbands assassination in Dallas, Texas. After this tragedy, she moved to New York City with her two children in hopes of privacy. On October 20, 1968, she married Aristotle Onassis, a wealthy Greek businessman. After she was widowed for a second time, Jacqueline began a career in publishing and then became a senior editor at Doubleday, where she specia...
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Differentiate Your LinkedIn Profile and Resume
How to Differentiate Your LinkedIn Profile and Resume You might think when setting up your LinkedIn profile that all you have to do is copy and paste things from your resume. But that would be a mistake. First of all, a resume is a private document sent directly to potential employers. A LinkedIn profile is public. Here are a few other key differences that will help you differentiate and make these two media work for you. 1. Keeping It Concise vs. Room for DetailYour resume has more space constraints than your online profiles, as it should ideally fit on one page. There, you need to use pithy language that describes your accomplishments as concisely and descriptively as possible.In LinkedIn, you have more room. Instead of a one-line description, try making it two or three lines that really sing the story of the big picture.2. Tailoring to the Job vs. Casting a Wide NetYour resume should be reformatted and written for each individual job you apply for, tailored exactly to meet those requirements and needs.Your LinkedIn profile is ther e to establish your wider appeal and brand. Keep your net broad, and show how your unique skills and interests are versatile enough to apply to a wide range of industries and positions. Show yourself to be the flexible superstar you know you are.3. Showing vs. TellingIf a fact is on your resume, people have to take your word for it. But in LinkedIn, you actually have room to add proof. Show, don’t tell your, accomplishments for your profile. Put your money where your mouth is. For example, if you claim to be a good writer, include links to a few of your articles.4. Informal vs. FormalIn LinkedIn, avoid the robotic third person language of your resume. Make it a bit more personal. Use a conversational tone; don’t sacrifice propriety or effective communication, but let your personality shine through. Also remember that a LinkedIn profile can be much more broad and general when compared to the focused information you include on your resume.5. Getting a Job vs. Building a NetworkA resume is geared specifically to getting the interview and getting hired. Your LinkedIn profile is much more about building awareness and adding to your network. Stay in the loop. Get connected with others in your industry. Be part of the conversation. You can also have a LinkedIn profile that helps you keep an eye on new opportunities without tipping your boss off that you are â€Å"looking.†6. No Photo vs. PhotoIt’s no longer standard to include a photo on your resume, as that can be linked to discrimination. Your LinkedIn profile, however, can and should include a profile picture.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Operational plan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Operational plan - Case Study Example The company would use various promotional tactics to inform the consumers that the company complies with EU regulations regarding meat products so that consumer trust in the company would be revived. It is important to improve the consumer confidence towards meat products that has had certain negative publicity in recent times. When the demand for fresh meat would increase in the market, it would definitely impact Larsini’s position within the market. Along with this, the company also needs to develop a pricing strategy. 29 Larsini is family business which sells salami and beef with traditional taste, special ingredients and good quality. Salami is traditional food in Italy where everyone enjoys eating it. A man called Giuseppe Ghiberti (the president) started to make salami in 1908; more than century ago. Since then, the Larsini Company was their starting point. In the past, Italy was not a rich country but Larsini made their effort to provide traditional taste with the best quality to the Italian people. The starting was a small butcher’s shop in the old part of Firenze. Then they decided to expand further in Italy. However recently, the company has been at the point of bankruptcy. Even though Larsini still enjoys a good market image, the company has been facing losses. To account for these losses and in order to turn around the company toward profits, seven business students have been hired to analyze the situation and propose recommendations for the improvement within the company. This part of the report would be dealing with the marketing analysis and proposal to improve the brand image and perception of the company among the customers. Larsini’s mission is still the same as it was when it was established in 1994 by the President’s father and his mission was to satisfy the customer by providing them full service they need and to fully know customer needs and accomplish them in addition to find quick solution in order to offer tasty product at the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Describe the particular business and its operations, as well as Essay
Describe the particular business and its operations, as well as industry challenges and opportunities it faces - Essay Example It is one of the largest luxury hotel chain headquartered in Maryland. Hospitality industry is one of the emerging industries around the globe. The hospitality & tourism sector is one of the major global economic growth drivers (Papatheodorou 2006). Company’s product, services and facilities Marriott International has nearly 3,800 properties around the globe. The organization has employed almost 144,000 employees globally. Marriott International is considered as one of the most ethical companies. The organization is recognized as a US based MNC. The organization manages and franchises an extensive portfolio of hotels, resorts and lodging facilities. The organization operates its business practices in more than 74 countries around the globe. Marriott Hotels & Resorts, JW Marriott Hotels & Resorts, Renaissance Hotels and Gaylord Hotels are the successful and popular properties of Marriott International. All the properties and extended brands provide simple, elegance and inviting atmosphere to its guests. As these are luxurious hotels they provide several premium services to its guests including fine dining, signature service amenities, twice-daily housekeeping, 24-hour room service, business & fitness centers, concierge services and deluxe & suit level of comfort-personal services. JW Marriott is one of the leading and popular brands of Marriott International. The properties of Marriott International are considered as one of the largest accommodator in global luxurious hotel chain industry. Discussion It is clear from the above discussion that the luxury hotel chain has a significant client base. The organization is popular for providing luxurious and premium hospitality services to its customers. Target Market Luxury, comfort and premium customer service are the major business mantras of Marriott International. People of upper income level are the major target customers of Marriott International. They mainly target business executives as their potential c ustomers. In addition to these Marriott International tries to influence several people of middle class income level through select services. Fairfield Inn and Suits is the example of select service lodging group that influence the people of middle class income group to experience the facilities and services of Marriott International (Tranter 74). However, it can be stated that effective product and service differentiation and effective customer satisfaction help Marriott International to achieve a potential competitive edge within hospitality and tourism industry. Effective marketing mix strategy helped Marriott International to reach its chosen target market. Marketing Mix Marketing Mix is one of the important strategic tools that help an organization to develop
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Philippine Rice Farmers Socioeconomic Status Essay Example for Free
Philippine Rice Farmers Socioeconomic Status Essay Rice farmers’ socioeconomic status better when they venture into other businesses. The economic and social status of Filipino rice farmers and their families has steadily improved during the last decade, not because they depended on rice, but because they ventured into other activities that supplemented their income from rice. This was shown by a study conducted by the Socioeconomics Division of the Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice). The study group, led by Divina Gracia Vergara, focused on trends transpiring in rice-based farm households and rice lands, and among farmer operators in 33 provinces for the last 10 years. â€Å"This intensive study captures the farmers’ image from 1996 to 2007,†Vergara said. The study shows that the rice-based farm household income is increasing, as gross household income went up from P68,974.85 in 1996-97 to P127,799.95 in 2006-07. The finding is also consistent with the result showing that almost 60 percent of the households are above poverty level (57 percent) in the 2006-07 period. Furthermore, the share of nonfarming activities as a source of income had steadily been increasing, as the study found that rice and rice-based farmers are now engaged in other businesses, such as rubber production, wood craft, welding and work overseas. â€Å"This finding implies an important question. The question in the long run will be about the presence of household members who are willing to pursue rice farming in the future or dependence of rice-farm households on hired labor for the management of their farms,†Vergara said. Aside from improving the status of rice-based households and increasing their income, Vergara also learned that the number of farmers owning rice land had been increasing by 10 percent for the last 10 years. Moreover, there is also an increase in farmers’ yields regardless of season from 3.30 ton per hectare (t/ha) to 3.72 t/ha during the wet season, and 3.37 t/ha to 3.94 t/ha during the dry season. Across three survey rounds, most villages are located in irrigated areas, and results show that irrigation is expanding from 60 percent to 66 percent. The current trend revealed by the study also suggests that highly educated persons are venturing into rice farming, although the majority is modestly educated or with elementary education only. There is a 2-percent increase in the number of farmers with at least a college education venturing into rice farming. In terms of organizing farmers, however, results show that more than 50 percent of the respondents are not affiliated with rice or rice-based organizations. Most of them have not also undergone training since 2004. Noting that half of the farmer-respondents have been farming for 20 years, Vergara also said farmers’ households are benefiting from the technologies and services that are being provided by the government. Despite the interventions, however, average yields gained during the dry and wet seasons are still below the experimental and on-farm trial yields of 7-9 t/ha. Gaining insight from the study, Vergara and her coauthors recommended that training should be sustained to continuously update farmers’ skills and knowledge. She also stressed the need for the government to encourage farmers to form or join organizations as through organization, farmers can pool resources and have easier access to government incentives. She also suggested the expansion of irrigation are as, as this creates â€Å"a more favorable environment for rice farming in particular and agriculture in general.†To attract more people to be involved in rice production, Vergara proposed that technologies lessening the drudgery of rice farming should continually be developed. â€Å"It is important that the government continue to monitor the rice-based farm household to determine or approximate the impact of their interventions. This will also give them enough knowledge on the direction of the policies that they would formulate to improve the countryside,†Vergara said.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Catcher In The Rye :: essays research papers
Catcher in the rye Catcher in the Rye Holden and His "Phony" Family The protagonist, Holden Caulfield, interacts with many people throughout J.D. Salinger’s novel The Catcher in the Rye, but probably none have as much impact on him as certain members of his immediate family. The ways Holden acts around or reacts to the various members of his family give the reader a direct view of Holden’s philosophy surrounding each member. How do Holden’s different opinions of his family compare and do his views constitute enough merit to be deemed truth? Holden makes reference to the word "phony" forty-four separate times throughout the novel (Corbett 68-73). Each time he seems to be referring to the subject of this metaphor as -- someone who discriminates against others, is a hypocrite about something, or has manifestations of conformity (Corbett 71). Throughout The Catcher in the Rye, Holden describes and interacts with various members of his family. The way he talks about or to each gives you some idea of whether he thinks they are "phony" or normal. A few of his accounts make it more obvious than others to discover how he classifies each family member. From the very first page of the novel, Holden begins to refer to his parents as distant and generalizes both his father and mother frequently throughout his chronicle. One example is: "…my parents would have about two hemorrhages apiece if I told anything personal about them. They’re quite touchy about anything like that, especially my father. They’re nice and all – I’m not saying that – but they’re also touchy as hell" (Salinger 1). Holden’s father is a lawyer and therefore he considers him "phony" because he views his father’s occupation unswervingly as a parallel of his father’s personality. For example, when Holden is talking to Phoebe about what he wants to be when he grows up, he cannot answer her question and proceeds to give her his opinion about their father’s occupation.. ‘Lawyers are all right, I guess – but it doesn’t appeal to me,’ I said. ‘I mean they’re all right if they go around saving innocent guys’ lives all the time, and like that, but you don’t do that kind of stuff if you’re a lawyer. All you do is make a lot of dough and Catcher In The Rye :: essays research papers Catcher in the rye Catcher in the Rye Holden and His "Phony" Family The protagonist, Holden Caulfield, interacts with many people throughout J.D. Salinger’s novel The Catcher in the Rye, but probably none have as much impact on him as certain members of his immediate family. The ways Holden acts around or reacts to the various members of his family give the reader a direct view of Holden’s philosophy surrounding each member. How do Holden’s different opinions of his family compare and do his views constitute enough merit to be deemed truth? Holden makes reference to the word "phony" forty-four separate times throughout the novel (Corbett 68-73). Each time he seems to be referring to the subject of this metaphor as -- someone who discriminates against others, is a hypocrite about something, or has manifestations of conformity (Corbett 71). Throughout The Catcher in the Rye, Holden describes and interacts with various members of his family. The way he talks about or to each gives you some idea of whether he thinks they are "phony" or normal. A few of his accounts make it more obvious than others to discover how he classifies each family member. From the very first page of the novel, Holden begins to refer to his parents as distant and generalizes both his father and mother frequently throughout his chronicle. One example is: "…my parents would have about two hemorrhages apiece if I told anything personal about them. They’re quite touchy about anything like that, especially my father. They’re nice and all – I’m not saying that – but they’re also touchy as hell" (Salinger 1). Holden’s father is a lawyer and therefore he considers him "phony" because he views his father’s occupation unswervingly as a parallel of his father’s personality. For example, when Holden is talking to Phoebe about what he wants to be when he grows up, he cannot answer her question and proceeds to give her his opinion about their father’s occupation.. ‘Lawyers are all right, I guess – but it doesn’t appeal to me,’ I said. ‘I mean they’re all right if they go around saving innocent guys’ lives all the time, and like that, but you don’t do that kind of stuff if you’re a lawyer. All you do is make a lot of dough and
Monday, November 11, 2019
Brand Architecture
BMW is one of the most recognized premium car manufacturers in the world. Brand associated with quality, class, exceptional design, outstanding performance and innovation. BMW has a well-structured brand hierarchy where at the corporate brand level BMW pioneered the luxury sports car category by combining distinct style and performance consideration. BMW has a smart positioning with corporate brands and offers a large fleet of models that vary in price, quality and performance.Below is a brief brand- product matrix: Product ModelsEntry level small vehiclesEntry level small sedanLuxury medium SedanSport Coupe & convertiblesTop of the line Luxury4WD & SUV Recreation Outdoor 1 & Mini Series 3 Series 5 Series Z4& 6 Series 7 Series X Series Points of parity are that they are luxury vehicles and points of difference are BMW’s performance features. Clear brand positioning and well-differentiated sub- brands shows in 1, 3, 5, 7 series. These brands cover different segments of the mark et in relation to price, size and quality.New models introduced later to expand the brand portfolio like X3, X5, Z4, M3, and 6 series. The 1 & 3 series models brought new customers into the company’s brand franchise, with the expectation that later these customers will be switching to higher priced models like 5 and 7 series (design to attracts rich and wealthy business people). BMW’s branding approach helps the company to expand coverage throughout different segments and markets, provide brand protection and minimize overlapping.Each of the sub brand names has a well-defined role and positioning, which does not overlay with the other sub brands. Individually each car model offers unique benefits to its client segment. BMW’s brand hierarchy is characterized well in the firm’s strategy by displaying the mutual characteristics of all BMW cars throughout its portfolio, which are linked with luxury, performance, joy of driving and quality. At the same time th ere are very clear distinctive features and uncommon characteristics of each of these sub rands revealing their uniqueness and differentiation. For example, the 3series mid size luxury sedan targets drivers that are aged between 25-34 years of age with â€Å"older body but younger in spirit†. These people see driving as an escape from their normal routine, and they are looking for a sedan that has some performance qualities. On the other hand the 7 series models targets the high-end sophisticated business consumers who desire to demonstrate success.I would like to give an example of brand hierarchy for BMW (from top to bottom): corporate (or company brand) is the brand BMW, umbrella brand would be Mini series, the individual brand would be Mini Cooper, and lastly the modifier will be the Clubman model. Clarity and brand awareness is strongly implemented in BMW’s brand. This helps to improve consumer’s understanding about the product range and also communicate cl early the similarities and differences between the different models. BMW have a high level of awareness on recognition and recall.This maximizes the transfer of equity from the brand to the individual models, which improves trials, and leads to repeat purchases. The image is favorable, strong and relevant. The most common association with BMW brand is performance, style and luxury. BMW’s principle in designing their brand portfolio is to maximize market coverage so that no potential customers are being ignored, but on the other hand minimize brand overlap, so that different models from the portfolio are not competing among themselves to gain the same customer’s support.Each sub-brand has its own distinctive target market and positioning. As a result of BMW’s exceptional brand architecture in the last Global 500 brands for 2012 survey, BMW scores very high. From all car manufacturers worldwide they ranked as the second best car manufacturer brand after Toyota (Br andirectory, 2012). References: Bibliography Brandirectory. (2012). Global-500-2012. Retrieved from brandirectory. com: http://brandirectory. com/league_tables/table/global-500-2012/
Saturday, November 9, 2019
If winter comes can spring be far away Essay
The quotation referred to is the last line of shelley’s famous poem, â€Å"Ode to the West Wind†. In the poem, the poet identifies himself with West Wind, which, to him, is both the destroyer and the preserver. The poet has dead thoughts which he would like to be scattered by the West Wind like dead leaves. In place of these dead thoughts, he wants new and fresh thoughts to be born in him. As from an extinguished hearth, ashes and sparks are spread by the wind so the poet wants his message of hope to be delivered to the frustrated mankind. As winter is sure to be followed by spring, in the same way, dark and unhappy days of life are bound to be followed by a period of happiness and joy. Winter is the symbol of desolation and barrenness whereas spring stands for joyousness and fruitfulness. The quotation assumes significant application to the present state of affairs. The man today is passing through a period of miserable existence. The days of darkness and frustration constitute the life of man. The world today is collapsing into a helpless state of boredom. The weariness, fret and fever of life have made man to deduce, â€Å"where but to think is to be full of sorrow†. We are crumbling under the mounting pressure of defeatism and self-frustration. Today various factors of life have made man morbidly tired of himself. In the midst of intellectual, moral and spiritual bankruptcy, the forces of optimism though bleak, appear to be the only sustaining force. We in our frustration are made to think that life is not entirely devoid of joy and happiness. It is wrong on our part to lose faith in the ultimate goodness of things. We must realize that in the course of life good and evil days follow in succession. Each follows the other as night follows the day. Indeed, it is human nature to welcome joys and condemn sorrows. But we must bear sufferings with patience and fortitude in the hope that as spring follows winter, joy will follow sorrow. To be able to be the streak of silver lining that edges the threatening clouds of despair is the prerogative of only a few. Most of us only concern ourselves with the present and blink at future. Our vision is circumscribed by the difficulties and problems which confront us. The limits of the immediate cripple us. We wish but dare not hope. We work but dare not expect. We are apologists in anticipation and defeatist in our performance. The buoyant spirit of hope and happiness is lacking in us. It is essential that we cultivate the spirit of hopefulness. Optimism is the attitude of life which must be formed. An optimistic attitude is the healthy sign of life and struggle. It makes us self- reliant and grant fixity of purpose. It infuses a new spirit in our timid hearts and injects a vitalizing energy in our veins. Instead of being mere puppets in the hands of chance, faded notions and sordid illusions, it makes us persons of indomitable will and, lofty aspirations. It takes away passivity and grants pertinacity of efforts. It teaches fortitude, patience and perservance. It is rightly said, â€Å"Practice begets facility†therefore, it is better to wear out than to rust out in inactivity. Victor Hugo rightly said, â€Å"People do not lack strength, they lack will†.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How the Colonists Defeated the British essays
How the Colonists Defeated the British essays How the Colonists Defeated the British In 1770s to the 1780s the thirteen original colonies with loosely formed militias managed to defeat one of the greatest empires in history, the British Empire. How were they able to do this? I will examine the elements that resulted in America gaining independence from Britain against all odds. There are several factors that enabled the colonists to achieve independence from England. I think the deciding factor was the help that the colonist got from the French and Admiral De Grasse toward the end of the war. I dont think that the colonists would have been as successful or possibly successful at all with out the help of their French allies. But the French help came near the end of the war and the colonists had defeated the British in many battles that the French had no part in. One of the reasons that they were successful was their knowledge of the terrain and their incorporation of that knowledge in their fighting style. The colonists were heavily outnumbered and they knew this. If they had fought in battles using the traditional line method they surely would have been defeated. But their advantage was that they knew the land they knew that they could trap their enemy and use the features of the terrain against the British. Then they could fight them while they w ere unprepared with a more guerrilla warfare style that the British werent used to. Another factor that helped the colonists was the fact that the British were far from home. It took weeks to ship troops, supplies and news to England from America. The British troops were pretty much stuck with what they had and in an unfamiliar place. The last reason the colonists were so successful is give me liberty or give me death! The colonists were defending their homes and their way of life. The British had nothing to lose, but the colonists had everything to lose. The colonists had less troops, less...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Annual Day Essay Example for Free
Annual Day Essay Field trips: Post office, Super market, Traffic Signal, Fire station, Horse stable, Plant nursery, etc. Goals: The goal of MapleBear schools is to establish an enthusiasm for learning and knowledge in young children that will serve as a foundation for future success in the education system and in life. In development of the MapleBear program, we have drawn on the best practices in early childhood teaching and learning. MapleBear recognizes that literacy in English is absolutely fundamental to a child’s success in English medium schools. The MapleBear Methodology is based on the well established principle that children learn through experience and exploration. The program reinforces and builds on this positive attitude by offering varied stimulating and enjoyable experiences. The knowledge and skills that children acquire by the end of kindergarten, along with positive attitudes to learning that children develop in these early years form the basis of effective learning in later years of school. Aim: This year our aim is â€Å"Accelerate Success†. We have had a very strong growth year in 2010 and we are continuing to build momentum as we enter 2011. Our vertical segment focus is our children’s key elements en route to their success, Success as your child defines it. Our strategy is working, towards the need of our children resulting in their overall development . Our Facilitators will have a number of opportunities to learn more about our well proven curriculum and its execution. We will share with you our roadmaps, which will allow you to interact, involve and participate as parents. In the past year, we have achieved our mile stones and are setting much more aggressive mile stones for this year. We are open for ideas, suggestions & feedback from you. We want to Initiate, Analyze and Implement. To do this, we need Innovation, freshness. Please partner with us in this journey to Accelerate your child’s Success. Annual Day. (2016, Dec 09).
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Writing assingnment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Writing assingnment - Research Paper Example Utility maximization is a process or goal of obtaining the maximum utility from the consumption of goods and services on the basis of rational behaviour of human beings. The utility maximization is associated with the theory of decision making. Utility is an economic term which is defined as satisfaction received by individuals from the consumption of goods and services. â€Å"In 1957, Simon proposed the notion of Bounded Rationality as that property of an agent that behaves in a manner that is nearly optimal with respect to its goals as its resources will allow†(Bounded Rationality: A Response to Rational Analysis, n.d). A search refers to a psychological process related to instinct of a person which helps him to find solution for a problem. The searches can be of different types like search for job, search for home, and search for other aspects of professional and personal life of human. The decision outcome of an individual is affected by his search as the decision made depends on the search process. Decision making is considered as a major activity in any organization. Decision making is important in any activity of an organization as it helps to choose the best course of action in carrying out any task, helps to find solution to any problem or to solve conflict within an organization. If a needle to sew a jean is of 4 inch and is along with other 1000 needles of different size in a haystack, then it will take more time in seeking the needle. So a satisficer would stop looking as soon as a needle is found which can sew the jeans. Every individual satisfice in their life during those situations when time is limited. â€Å"Congressional budget decision-making in the U.S., where the usual questions considered about a given (existing) agency might typically range from whether to cut 4 or 5 percent from its budget to whether to tack on a 5 or 10% increase. Congress very seldom stops to think seriously
Thursday, October 31, 2019
English and immigrant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
English and immigrant - Essay Example Mr.Sanchez, as depicted in this article is one of those individuals that went through this adversity, but emerged as a champion. Mr. Sanchez like many immigrants had to convey communications via actions and gestures. This is extremely excruciating and frustrating considering that immigrants have a very hard time appealing to native-American customer base. Communication in essence is crucial at any job. However, through communication and collaborative efforts, the times have changed. As discussed in the article, many immigrants can operate a successful business without truly understanding English and its methodologies. This also creates a controversy for native speakers who feel that immigrants must be obligated to learn their language. Without a doubt, this will affect not only immigration itself, but future legislation. Hopefully, the assimilation process will be seamless in the future as immigrants can pick up this skill as they continue to America their new
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Comparing the Education System in the United States and Afghanistan Research Paper
Comparing the Education System in the United States and Afghanistan - Research Paper Example Recent estimates put the number of learners at five point four million with girls comprising thirty-five percent (Baker, 2008). Afghanistan currently boasts of an enrolment rate that is even higher than before the Taliban bans on secular education. Access to education is now provided to all Afghanis free of charge. The right to education is now enshrined in the Afghanistan up to a high school level and is free of charge. In the US, education is also a right that is enshrined in the constitution. Contrary to the Afghanistan situation the United States has always had universal access for everyone of school going age in public schools. America education system is compulsory for all learners below the age of eighteen. The US literacy rate stands at 99% with this figure being roughly equal for both men and women (Wadhwa, 2011). The United States just like Afghanistan employs the k12 system with elementary, primary and high school being compulsory and higher education being optional and pr ivately funded and controlled. Approved homeschooling programs are also allowed.Schooling in Afghanistan Since 2001 Since the toppling of the Taliban regime in 2001 and the setting up of the Karzai government a lot of changes have taken place with regard to education in Afghanistan. The schooling system is, however, facing many challenges in its quest for providing education to all Afghanis. The system is plagued by an influx of students who number approximately six million yet there are not enough teachers to teach. Â
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Solid Waste Management Case Study In Bristol Environmental Sciences Essay
Solid Waste Management Case Study In Bristol Environmental Sciences Essay The management of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is a major environmental crisis throughout of the World, which everyone is concerned about. In the United Kingdom, the quantity of municipal waste has increased and 46.9 per cent of the total collected waste has disposed of in landfill in 2009/10 (DEFRA, 2010b). In comparison, the Netherlands and Denmark have disposed of almost no municipal waste to landfill and other members of European Units such as Germany and Sweden have less than a quarter of municipal waste to landfill (DEFRA, 2010b). Therefore, the UK Government published Waste Strategy for England 2007 on 24th May 2007 in order to meet EU strategy and set out a sustainable method for hierarchy of waste management options within climate change and population growth. The fundamental goals of the strategy are to set out a blueprint for waste prevention, reduction, re-use, recycling and recovery and improving environmental and economic outcomes through increased recycling of resources and recovery of energy from residual waste using a mix of technologies. There are some actions of the proposal strategy outlined, for example, energy from waste is expected to account for 25% of municipal waste by 2020 compared to 10% in 2007 and the standard rate of landfill tax increase by eight pounds per year from 2008 until at least 2010/11(DEFRA, 2010c). As a result, it is necessary to set up a variety of waste treatment for recovery material in the UK, such as Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) and Energy from Waste (EfW). There is no doubt that a number of local authorities face major challenges when they manage residual waste sustainably. Take Bristol for example, 59% of waste has been sent to landfill and 40% has been recycled or composted in 2009/10 (DEFRA, 2010d). According to Bristol City Council (2000), 100,000 tonnes of household waste will remain to be treated if 40% waste is recycled or composted. Thus, the council wants to make a 25 years Residual Waste Management Contract with company to treat 100,000 tonnes of Residual MSW by one of three options which include MBT with composting or anaerobic digestion and Energy from Waste. In this paper, the environmental impacts of each option will be assessed in order to find a sustainable method for residual waste management in Bristol. Furthermore, some relative mitigation meas ures and remediation approaches for chose option will be mentioned, focusing key issues of development and land redevelopment after 25 years. 2. The Description of Development and Site Bristol city council aims to set up a waste treatment plant in the city in order to not only meet their recycling needs but also make efficiently recover value from the residual waste produced. There is no doubt that a hundred thousand tonnes of rubbish send to the new plants for processing in the coming years rather than dumping it in landfill sites. The possible potential site is assumed as previously used land which locates in the main industrial estate (Avonmouth) in the northern part of Bristol. It would generally be preferred in planning terms, as no new land would be used and contaminated land restored. In addition, the facility has good transportation infrastructure, which results from closely primary road network and alternatively rail access. Figure 1 shows some potential previously land in the potential area, which have several large chemical manufacturing plants and also has a significant residential area in Avonmouth between the industrialised zone and the M5 motorway. M oreover, a large scale of green sites and water body around the assumed site. Figure 1. The Potential Site for Waste Treatment Plant in Bristol alll sites.jpg (Source: Google Map) There are three potential options including MBT using composting (In Vessel Composting) or anaerobic digestion (AD) or EfW provided in following details. The local waste strategy officers assume that: 100,000 tonne residual MSW will be treated; the detailed value of treatment for each option is described in Figure 2; Figure 2. The Value of Waster Treatment Process mixed recyclates are worth on average  £50/tonne; all plants operate 90% of the 8760 hours in a year; both digestate and compost are disposed to landfill at the full tax rate; however, the digestate is charged the full dispose cost, compost is disposed for free; bottom ash can be processed and used as a secondary aggregate, making profit at  £5/tonne; gas cleaning residues are hazardous waste and landfilled at  £100/ tonne plus landfill tax at  £48/tonne; electricity from AD is worth  £135/MWh, electricity from EfW and In Vessel Composting is worth  £60/ MWh. 3. Introduction of Three Processing Options for the Residual Municipal Solid Waste Management This section focuses on introduction of the process and principals of three options including In Vessel Composting, Anaerobic Digestion and Energy from Waste. MBT mainly follow two processes including mechanical sorting and biological process. Mechanical sorting is to sort mechanical element such as metal, plastics, glass paper, which is made by hand and is a basic process in both composting and anaerobic digestion. However, the biological processes are different because of the variety of treatment principals. Anaerobic digestion, which is the biological treatment of organic waste without oxygen, utilise microbial activity to break down the waste in a controlled environment with mesophilic and thermophlic digestion and produce biogas (e.g. Methane and Carbon Dioxide) and digestate at the same time. In Vessel Composting is an enclosed compost system and is the treatment of organic matter with aerobic microorganism to produce a mixture of stable humic substances and inorganic plant nu trient (Agrivert, 2010). In comparison with AD, there is no green energy produced through the system, therefore, the extra energy will be used in the processes. Energy from Waste is process incorporation the thermal decomposition of the waste include waste reception and storage, combustion system, heat recovery, flue gas cleaning, power generation and process control and monitor. Compared with MBT, EfW can disposal of all types of waste without other pre-treatment and the temperature has a minimum requirement of 850oC for 2 seconds (March, 2010a). Additionally, incineration offers a further option for the treatment of residual MSW and is already proven and bankable technology in the UK with 26 EfW plants (March, 2010a). However, there is no incineration in Bristol at the moment. 4. Environmental Impacts Assessment of Three Processing Options In order to achieve the UK governments fundamental goals and Bristol waste strategy, assessment of the environmental and economic impacts of each processing option should be undertaken in the following section. Local facilities of waste treatment would provide much local employment opportunities. Moreover, the number of legislation and planning policy comprising international, national and local policy will also be introduced to make sure the sustainable development. Therefore, this section focus on the key issues of waste treatment options such as air emissions / health effects, dust / odour, noise, water resources, visual intrusion and public concern. According to analysis of environmental impact assessment, one of the options will be identified as the Best Practicable Environmental Option for Bristol City Council. 4.1 Planning Policy and Context i) International Policy The European Union has instigated a range of Directives at a European level that should be suitable for each EU member and transposed into national laws in order to adopt the local environment. The following International policies provide the European framework for Waste applicable to the United Kingdom. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ European Community (EC) Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ EC Framework Directive for Waste 75/442/EEC as amended by 91/156/EEC; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Waste Incineration Directive 2000/76EC (WID). ii) National Policy The Waste Strategy for England (2007) sets out the Governments vision for sustainable waste management. The key objectives and targets of the strategy are to reduce the amount of waste produced and increase the rate of recovery of municipal waste. There are also some other legislation created to achieve the target in the following: Landfill Allowance Trading Scheme (LATS); Planning Policy Guidance Notes (PPG) and Planning Policy Statements (PPS); Planning Policy Statement 1 (PPS1): Delivering Sustainable Development (2005); Planning and Climate Change (PCC): The purpose is to set out how climate change considerations should be taken into account at different stages of the planning process. Planning Policy Statement 10 (PPS 10): Planning for Sustainable Waste Management. During Annex E of PPS 10, the main factors have been taken into account by waste planning authorities when testing the suitability of a site for waste management purposes. iii) Regional and Local Planning Policy Planning policies for Bristol are set out in the Statutory Development Plan which includes the following documents (South Gloucestershire Council, 2010): Regional Planning Guidance for the South West (RPG10) (September 2001) Joint Replacement Structure Plan (as saved) (September 2002) Bristol Local Plan (as saved) (1997) Regional Planning Guidance for the South West (RPG10) (2001) RPG10 comprises the Regional Spatial Strategy for the South West and the Regional Transport Strategy, and aim to meet sustainable development in terms of environment, economy and society. 4.2 Anaerobic Digestion In terms of biodegradable waste either by anaerobic digestion or by composting MBT technologies helps to reduce the contribution of greenhouse gases to minmise the impacts of global warming. IPPC (2010) stated that AD technology for various homogenous waste streams is widely proven in Europe, but there are no full scale plants in operation in the UK on municipal derived wastes. Thus, environmental and economic impacts should be assessed in order to develop facilities at present. 4.2.1 Environmental impacts As we all know that anaerobic digestion is totally enclosed system, which may reduce environmental impacts. As it may achieve a key aim of the landfill Directive and reduce organic wastes from landfill which reduces the production of landfill gas and leachates. Although the facility has pollution control technology in order to control the sustainable processes not only for the company but also for the public, each development has some relevant impacts on air, water resources and local residents. For example, odour emissions should be released during material handling and other air emission (Methane) would be release during the process. This may affect the local living condition if the pollution will not be controlled and visual intrusion, pests and noise problems. In order to predict how odour will be transported, some information such as meteorological conditions (e.g., wind speed and direction, temperature, and inversion conditions) in the proposal site can be obtained from a local weather station. Moreover, contamination of final product is often difficult to avoid, which means digestate from residual MSW connot be used for food growing; only regeneration of contaminated land or landfill cover (McKendry 2010). Therefore, AD also has slightly negative impacts on environment during the handling and processes of the facility. According to Figure 2, net energy (0.5 MWe) will be produced for National Grid, which also can save energy and reduce environmental pollution from power generation. To sum up, compared with no waste treatment in Bristol, AD is a better environmental practical option for waste recovery and also can achieve the UK fundamental target. 4.2.2 Economic impacts It requires comprehensive pre-processing of the waste or source separation and larger digestion tanks as it does not treat the whole Municipal Solid Waste stream but may be used on residual municipal waste stream with contaminants rejected as part of the process. Thus, AD is more capital intensive than composting and cost more for landfill tax. Moreover, the output of digestates is generally hazardous and set to landfill, which will also cost more for the process than production from composting. However, compared with composting, energy should be produced and is worth  £532,170 which is less than profit of net energy from EfW (Figure 3). Someone (City and County of Swansea, 2011) mentions that AD is relatively low capital costs compared to most thermal processes. On the other hand, anaerobic digestion has not enough profit which created from by-products compared to EfW (Figure 3). In terms of economy, anaerobic digestion is the secondary choice in three waste management options for Bristol. Figure 3. The Analysis of Input and Output of Economy in Proposed Waste Treatment Plant Anaerobic Digestation In Vessel Composting Energy from Waste Input  £2,380,000 (Landfill)  £ 1,564,000(Digestate)  £2,040,000 (Landfill)  £2,880,000(Compost)  £408,000 (Landfill)  £888,000(Gas Cleaning) Output Profit  £1,500,000 (Recyclates)  £532,170 (Net Energy)  ¹Ã‚ £Ã‚ £1,911,830  £1,500,000 (Recyclates)  ¹Ã‚ £Ã‚ £473,040 (Net Energy)  ¹Ã‚ £Ã‚ £3,893,040  £375,000 (Recyclates)  £185,000 (Bottom Ash)  £3,784,320 (Net Energy)  £3,048,320 4.3 In Vessel Composting Actually, this technology has only had limited experience in the UK; however, it is rapidly increasing in number due to recent legislation of waste management such as Landfill Directive. The advantage of In-Vessel Composting is that the processes are more controlled and can be designed to achieve specified temperatures of facilitate bacteria destruction. 4.3.1 Environmental impacts Composting can reduce volume of organic waste fraction of MSW by 25-50% and minmise landfill rate (IPPC, 2010), which avoid environmental pollution (Landfill gas and leachate) similar with AD. However, some potential odour and leachate also should be produced, which can result in air and water resources may be polluted to some extent. Although it is suitable for green and kitchen waste, it is potential of co-composting operations with other waste streams such as paper, sewage sludge (IPPC, 2010). On the other hand, it requires careful source segregation of further post or treatment as sensitive contamination of glass and plastics. Furthermore, in comparison with other options, In Vessel composting has no energy output and need extra energy for operation, which will affect more issues from power generation such as air pollution. It is similar with AD that the development is not bad for ecosystem and visual instruction as the proposed site is previously used land which may be contamina ted or brownfield site. The technology has a greater ability to control air pollution emissions than mass burn EfW in theory, but this has not yet been demonstrated in practice in the UK (Environment Agency, 2010). 4.3.2 Economic impacts Although the capital cost is not quite expensive than Energy from Waste, the balance of input and output of waste treatment process is totally different than other options. According to Figure 3, the developer or government should invest more money for rejected waste to landfill and extra energy ( £473,040), which means the profits of recyclates cannot make sure the continuously process of operation. Thus, in terms of economic aspect, this technology is not suitable for the UK fundamental sustainable development target and is the worst option. Energy from Waste In the UK, Energy from waste has a particularly poor public image and has been debatable by environmental groups on the grounds of perceived health impacts from emissions to air. Combustion of residual MSW can produce or release carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Hence carbon emissions should to be considered in terms of composition of the residual waste stream, the type of energy produced (heat and/or power) and the overall generating efficiency of the facility. 4.4.1 Environmental impacts Compared with other options, EfW can disposal of a variety of waste without limitation and pre-treatment required. However, dust problem may exist within the waste reception hall or drawn into the furnace. Moreover, there is a WID emission limitation and air quality standards regulated in order to control the air emission especially greenhouse gases from factories. The advantage of this technology is that the state of the art of pollution control technology is completed for global use. In addition, energy recovery includes Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants and opportunity for district heating programmes. However, the temperature is not easy to control during the operation processes, which may affect the efficiency of residue quality and disposal when combustion is not completed. Although EfW can resolve waste to landfill and emission reduction (methane)from landfill and residual waste, which to some extent may address climate change, air pollution of EfW is more significant than o ther options (Hong, 2010). The WID emission limits to air shows daily average emissions limit from incineration in the following (Veolia, 2011): Dust (Particulates) 10mg/m3 Total Organic Carbon 10mg/m3 Hydrogen Chloride 10mg/m3 Carbon Monoxide 50mg/m3 Sulphur Dioxide 50mg/m3 Oxides of Nitrogen 200mg/m3 According to Figure 2, the number of waste can be combusted and bottom ash can be used for construction applications, which reduces the quantity requiring landfill disposal to under 10% of the feedstock mass (IPPC, 2010). In comparison with others, 8MWe net energy should be produced and deliver cheap heat and power either to the National Grid or local users. On the other hand, it also save more energy and reduce pollution from power generation plants. EfW is not long term liability facility, thus, local EfW would provide the best global solution for Bristol depending on the Life Cycle Assessment. Furthermore, the impacts of visual, pests and noise and ecosystem are similar and related to other waste management options and with proper planning can be minimized to acceptable levels. As for the visual impacts, the following factors should be considered: direct effect on landscape by removal of items such as trees; potential of an exhaust stack associated with air clean up systems; scree ning features and scale of vehicles accessing site. 4.4.2 Economic impacts There is no doubt that EfW is one of the high capital costs technology, however, it also create net profits from the processes. According to Figure 3, although, gas cleaning residuals are hazardous wastes and landfilled at  £148 per tonne, the facility can create  £3,048,320 net profit from operation system except the capital investment, which including  £185,000 income from bottom ash,  £3,784,320 profit from electricity and  £375,000 worth from recyclates. Thus, EfW is the best option for waste treatment for Bristol in terms of economy compared to other options. On the other hand, the facility will waste more investment and energy during the process stopped when there is no enough waste for combustion process. 4.5 Summary In summary, each option may achieve the UK and local waste management and recycling target and to some extent reduce waste and air emission such as methane and carbon. However, in terms of sustainable development which related to economic, social and environmental aspects, each option has its own disadvantages and advantages. As for economy except the capital investment, Energy from Waste can make more profit in 25 years than MBT using Composting or Anaerobic Digestion. Although air emission from EfW is more significant than other options, EfW has been used for a long time and is improving or mitigating more sustainable technologies to avoid the negative impacts on environment. It is true that Energy from waste has a particularly poor public image; however, public attitude will be changed within the situation changing. Therefore, Energy from Waste is the best value options for Bristol City Council to reach the waste treatment target and follow sustainable development. 5. Mitigation Measures and Remediation Approach Energy from Waste is the Best Practicable Environmental Option for Bristol waste management programme based on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). As we all know that each option has its limitation, EfW is also a case in point. EIA states that the efficiency of combustion, air emission (flue gas emission and cleaning) and public image are the mainly significant issues of EfW facility implementation for Bristol. Moreover, the land restoration after use should be considered at the beginning of construction in order to be able to use as sustainable as possible. Mitigation measures should aim to avoid, reduce, or remedy any significant adverse effects that a proposed development is predicted to produce. First of all, because it is a smaller scale EfW plants, it is better to maximize the scope for dealing with risk events and other potential adverse impacts. Moreover, more information qualitative and quantitative assessment of impacts such as meteorological conditions and ambient air q uality should be collected for the next depth assessment. The recommended mitigation measure for efficiency of combustion is to use more effective techniques. For example, the techniques such as Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR) can control the incomplete combustion in order to increase efficiency and to reduce the flow rate of pollutant emissions (Liuzzo, 2007). In addition, the chimney should be high enough to furnish adequate draft and to discharge the products without causing local sir pollution. There are also some methods to increase positive public image, such as enhancing propaganda or media spread and improving education. The risk management including accident management/plan and security precaution also should be undertaken to avoid the health and safety of employees. As for the future development after use, the land should be careful managed to avoid potential hazardous components released into the land whether it is current contaminated or not (McKendry, 2010). The first recommendation aims to used less penetrability materials for land construction and reduce pollutants released. Moreover, the regular clean up system is recommended to collect the residual waste during transporting system and clean up the dirty area such as oil releasing sites. Contaminated Land Management Regulation indicates that the polluter or owner has responsible to deal with pollution if the land will be contaminated by human activities. In my view, the proposal site is hard to change to an eco-green site after development, thus, it is better to develop as commercial or industrial use in the future. 6. Conclusion In conclusion, Environmental Impact Assessment of Anaerobic Digestion, In Vessel Composting and Energy from Waste were analysed in this paper in order to find out one of the best sustainable development for Bristol and also achieve the UK fundamental goals for waste management. It is certainly that each option has both negative and positive impacts on environment and economy. The main aim of them is to reduce waste sent to landfill and achieve the UK waste management target; moreover, they also have same impacts on environment such ac visual intrusion, public image, potential contaminated land after use and air pollution. However, the significant impacts of facilities are different in different technologies; for example, odour emission is more significant during anaerobic digestion approach, visual intrusion, public image and air emission is more significant for Energy from Waste, and energy use and odour and leachate are significant in composting process. In terms of economy, EfW is the best option with highest net profits during the process; on the other hand, In Vessel Compost is the worst approach because of extra energy supply. At the last, EfW has been chose to treat residual Municipal Solid Waste with the additional mitigation measures in Bristol, which results in the development is not only suitable for international, national and local strategy but also meet the Best Practicable Environmental Option which is sustainable and integrated in the further development.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Human Breast Milk Essay -- Health, Human Milk
Introduction Human breast milk is uniquely suited to our biologic needs and remains the best source of nutrition for the human infant (Kunz et al , 1999). It provides the necessary support for the developing immune system (Goldman et al., 1994 ; Garofalo and Goldman, 1999). The powerful anti-infective qualities of breast milk are measured by decreased infant mortality in developing countries where exclusive breastfeeding is the norm (Scariati et al, 1997 ; Ball and Wright, 1999). The human breast milk is composed of about 6% carbohydrates, about 4% fats, about 1% proteins and about 89% water. The composition of human milk is very different than artificial milk or "formula". Most artificial breast milk products use bovine milk as a substrate. The latter has more proteins and less lactose when compared to human milk (Kunz, et al ,1999). Lactose levels correlate well with brain size across species. Given their large brain size, it is not surprising that humans have a higher concentration of lactose in their milk than any other species (Newton, 2004). From the Islamic religion point of view, although it is recommended to prolong adequate lactation for up to two years, Prophet Mohamed pointed that the milk of the pregnant women is harmful for the infants and strongly advised that pregnant mothers should never breastfeed their infants. The aim of this study was to compare milk composition in lactating pregnant and lactating non-pregnant mothers in order to know to what extent could pregnancy affect milk composition, and how this could be reflected on both child development and health. Subjects and Methods I- Subjects This study was carried out on 64 urban healthy lactating females attending the Outpatient... ...urs in the cerebrum and 60% of this tissue is lipid (Newton, 2004). Stopping breastfeeding , should pregnancy occurs, to avoid its adverse effect on the nursed infants may expose them to many hazards as gastroenteritis and malnutritional diseases. And so , it is our responsibility to strongly advice against pregnancy during lactation so that the newly born receives the best nutritional support to ensure its full physical and neurological development. This is what exactly recommended by the Islamic religion to prolong adequate lactation, up to two years, to face infant's requirements and at the same time to avoid pregnancy on top of lactation with its bad effects on both the nursed infant and the fetus. It is hoped that further works will be done to study the effect of pregnancy on other milk constituents that could also possibly affect the nursed infant.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Ethics in Public Sector
This debate has given a better understanding of the responsibilities of the public sector, and how it should interact and interface with (elected) governments, with citizens, civil society and foreign as well as domestic corporations and private business Institutions. Besides, ethics and ethical principles can help people make better decisions, and help people evaluate the decisions of others (Like public officials). Much of this debate has focused on â€Å"good governance†, broadly speaking.Ethics has also been a part of this debate, in particular the discussion on professional ethics of civil servants, and too lesser extent the professional and arsenal ethics of politicians and elected office holders. Although the ethics of the civil service will be the main focus of this compendium, we are also looking into the ethics of the political sphere. Ethics has long been a controversial area of study in the professions of law, politics, philosophy, theology and public administratio n, and other study areas.Some practitioners, however, will dismiss any study or theory of ethics as not pertinent to their work, preferring instead to rely on laws, personnel manuals and job descriptions to define the limits of public sector responsibilities. That view now seems to be losing ground to the viewpoint that public administrators are no longer, if they ever were, expert technicians simply Implementing the policy decisions of the policy makers. Rather, public administrators exercise substantial discretion (decision-making power) on their own, discretion that affects peoples' lives in direct, lasting, and sometimes profound ways.In addition, there can be reasons to question the legitimacy of the rules and the policy decisions that public administrators are Implementing. Administrators and bureaucrats cannot avoid asking decisions, and in doing so they should attempt to make ethical decisions. Administrators have discretionary powers that go beyond the manuals, orders, Job descriptions and legal framework of their position and duties, and professional ethics will have to come In as guldens, In Dalton to the formal regulations.Administrators should therefore seek a broad and solid understanding of ethical theories and traditions, and look for methods for thinking about the ethical dimensions of their decision-making Thus, for a period of time there was a â€Å"realist†school within political science that eschewed any moral component of decision-making as naive, as a religious imposition or as plain hypocritical. Likewise in economics, the standard view has been on humans as a â€Å"homo economics†, a rational man attempting to pursue his selfish Interests, with little regard for ethics.Many people still believe that ethics Is too weak and too ;nice' to be of real importance in what is regarded as the tough, dirty and unprincipled world of politics. 1 OFF togged a proper understanding of what is going on. Ethics is also sometimes seen as active (telling other people what they should not do), impractical (because it is backed only by conscience), and more likely to catch the believing innocent rather than the deliberate offenders.Ethical issues in political science tend to be complex, ranging from micro-level personal issues to national, comparative and international relations. In politics, issues such as public vs.. Private interests, conflicts of interest, power abuse, and corruption have special salience. However, to prevent misconduct is as complex as the phenomenon of misconduct itself. This introduction will present three main topics.First, it will outline the basis and basics of ethics, secondly it will outline the â€Å"infrastructure†of ethics (what shapes the ethics of individuals) and thirdly it will outline two particular themes; the discussion on conflict of interests and corruption What is Ethics? Ethics refers to principles by which to evaluate behavior as right or wrong, good or bad. Ethics re fers to well based standards of right and wrong, and prescribe what humans ought to do. Ethics are continuous efforts of striving to ensure that people, ND the institutions they shape, live up to the standards that are reasonable and solidly based.It is useful to distinguish between normative and descriptive ethics; normative ethics describes the standards for the rightness and wrongness of acts, whereas It is useful to distinguish between normative and descriptive ethics; normative ethics describes the standards for the rightness and wrongness of acts, whereas descriptive ethics is an empirical investigation of people's moral beliefs. L This introduction is for the most part concerned with normative ethics. The law is one Asia promoter of ethic behavior.The law, however, only seta minimum standard for ethical conduct. Just because an act is legal, does not automatically mean it is ethical (think of the apartheid laws, for instance). Nor is an illegal act necessarily immoral (someti mes it can be Justified to break the law). Moral Philosophy Traditionally, moral philosophy (also known as normative ethics and moral theory) is the study of what makes actions right and wrong. These theories offer an overarching moral principle to which one could appeal in resolving difficult moral sections.There are several strands of ethics, which differs on the basis (or rationale) for their various ethical considerations. The three best known normative theories are virtue ethics, consequentiality (in particular utilitarianism) and deontological ethics (and in particular Kantian). Virtue Ethics Virtue ethics focuses on the character of the agent rather than on the formal rules for or the consequences of actions. The key elements of virtue ethical thinking are The roots of the Western tradition lie in the work of Plato and Aristotle, but virtues re important also in traditions of Chinese moral philosophy.Virtue theory returned to prominence in Western philosophical thought in the twentieth century, and is today one of the three dominant approaches to normative theories. Virtue ethics includes an account of the purpose of human life, or the meaning of life. To Plato and Aristotle, the purpose was to live in harmony with others, and the four Cardinal Virtues were defined as prudence, Justice, fortitude and temperance. The Greek idea of the virtues was later incorporated into Christian moral theology. Proponents of virtue theory sometimes argue that a central feature of a virtue is that it is universally applicable.Consequentiality Consequentiality refers to those moral theories, which hold that the consequences off particular action form the basis for any valid moral Judgment about that action. Thus, from a consequentiality standpoint, a morally right action is one that produces a good outcome, or consequence. Utilitarianism is a specific strand of consequentiality ethics. Utilitarianism is the idea that the moral worth of an action is solely determined by it s contribution to overall utility, that is, its contribution to happiness or pleasure as summed up among all persons.The more happiness or pleasure for the more people, the better. It is consequentiality because the moral worth of an action is determined by its outcome, and that the ends Justify the means. Utilitarianism can also be characterized as a quantitative and reductionism approach to ethics. 2 Utility – the good to be maximized – has been defined by various thinkers as happiness or pleasure (versus sadness or pain). It has also been defined as the satisfaction of preferences. It may be described as a life stance with happiness or pleasure as ultimate importance.In general use of the term utilitarian often refers to a somewhat narrow economic or pragmatic viewpoint. However, philosophical utilitarianism is much broader than this; for example, some approaches to utilitarianism also consider non-humans (animals and plants) in addition to people. Deontological Eth ics Deontological ethics has also been called â€Å"duty' or â€Å"obligation†based ethics. Deontological believe that ethical rules â€Å"bind you to your duty', and they look at the eighties or wrongness of actions themselves, as opposed to the rightness or wrongness of the consequences of those actions.Deontological ethics looks at our fidelity to principle and disregards the consequences of a particular act, when determining its moral worth. Kantian (or Kantian ethical theory) is deontological, revolving entirely around duty rather than emotional feelings or end goals. The core concept is â€Å"duty', or what one ought to do in certain situations. Kantian states that truly moral or ethical acts are not based on self-interest or the greatest utility, but on a sense of â€Å"duty' and or the individual and their usefulness for others).Kantian theories are based on the work of the German philosopher Emmanuel Kant (1724 – 1804), to whom the â€Å"categorical impe rative†is a core element. Kant thought that human beings occupy a special place in the world, and that morality can be summed up in one, ultimate commandment of reason, or imperative, from which all duties and obligations derive. A categorical imperative denotes an absolute, unconditional requirement that exerts its authority in all circumstances, both required and Justified as an end in itself.Kant argued against utilitarianism and other moral philosophy of his day, because for example an utilitarian would say that murder is K if it does maximize good for the greatest number of people; and he who is preoccupied with maximizing the positive outcome for himself would see murder as K, or irrelevant. Therefore, Kant argued, these moral systems cannot persuade moral action or be regarded as basis for moral Judgments because they are based on subjective considerations. A deontological moral system was his alternative, a system based on the demands of the categorical imperative.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Malaysia Unemployment Rate Essay
An unemployed person is one who is able and willing to work yet is unable to find a job. Unemployment rate is the number of people officially unemployed divided by the labor force. Official unemployment measures those over the age of 16 who are able for employment, but are unable to obtain a job. The labor force is the number of people over the age of 16 who are either employed or unemployed. In year 2005, unemployment rate in Malaysia (3.0%) higher than unemployment rate in Cambodia (2.5%). Malaysia is a heaven for job seekers who are not so particular on what job is available. As long as there is a job, they will just take it. The fact is true for foreigners especially from Indonesia, Philippines, Bangladesh, China and many more. With their presence, the field of job market in Malaysia is becoming more competitive. This is because employers prefer to hire these foreigner rather than Malaysian due to the relatively cheaper labor cost and easier to manage. That is why graduate Malaysian who is having straight A’s is no longer to secure a job or to give one a competitive edge in career advancement. Unemployment rate in Malaysia increases to 3.6 % while Cambodia remains the same which is 2.5% in year 2006. Another contributing factor of higher unemployment rate in Malaysia is due to job matching. Even though there is over 300 thousand of graduate Malaysian from university or college entering the job market in 2006, the competency of these graduates is still a concern where their qualification and experiences cannot directly match the needs of the employers. Graduate might choosing the wrong course or with the poor result. Nowadays, the employer will hire the worker who had a lot of experienced one. In Malaysia, the private sector today is not interested in recruiting local graduates because they lack of essential skills, such as proficiency in English, a lack of ICT proficiency and interpersonal skill. This leads to appears to be gaps between what employers require and what skills graduates have. Graduates themselves have to realize that they need to adapt to the needs and wants of their future employers. In year 2007, the unemployment rate in Cambodia still remains constant which is 2.5%. Unemployment rate in Malaysia had decreased to 3.5%. The unemployment rate in Cambodia does not decrease and remains constant in three years started from 2005 until 2007. The first cause is poverty. Most of the Cambodia citizens are poor, that is why they cannot send their children to school. Children will be lack of knowledge, skills and qualification. As a result, it will be difficult for them to find a job. Besides, with the poor quality of education system in Cambodia, schools can produce only non-quality human resources. With the limited number of university, there is no guarantee that all graduated students will find job which relevant to them because only people with quality are selected to work. The unemployment rate in Cambodia is 3.5% in year 2008 is greater than in Malaysia, 3.2%. The unemployment rate in Cambodia suddenly increased 1.0% from year 2007 to 2008. This happened due to the job opportunity. Since Cambodia is small and poor, it is not good enough to attract foreign investor. In this case, only small numbers of job opportunities are available for the rest of population. Moreover, this cause might due to lack of encouragement from government in the investment climate. In addition, the development of technology is another reason why unemployment rate in Cambodia increased. With the advantages of using machinery in their factory, some owners have dismissed their workers. Therefore, many people suddenly lose their job. This helps nothing but to increase unemployment rate higher and higher. In year 2009, the unemployment rate in Cambodia remains the same as the year of 2008, 3.5% while there is an increase in Malaysia unemployment rate which is 3.3%. Even though there are many job opportunities in Malaysia, the unemployment rate among Malaysian are increases. Obviously the reason contributing this factor is due to the world economy meltdown. Malaysia is a developing country which fully relies on foreign direct investment (FDI) especially from countries such as Americas, Japan and Europe. Most of these FDI are into the manufacturing sector. Many major multinational companies (MNC) in Malaysia have announced layoff plans including factory and office shutdowns to mitigate the impact of the economic slowdown. With the presence of manufacturing of MNC in Malaysia are significant, the layoff plans contributed to the increase of the unemployment rate.
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