Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Cosmology and the Bible Essay - 1990 Words
As one grows older, he begins to question life and how the universe was made. Therefore, it is vital that he has a solid worldview. This worldview has its foundation in cosmology. Cosmology is defined as the branch of science concerned with origin, structure, changes, and the final destiny of the universe. Therefore, the importance of origins/cosmology in a worldview is that it shapes how one sees the universe. Without studying cosmology, one would not have a firm foundation for his worldview because he would not understand how or why the universe was formed. Through the study of cosmology, one is able to better understand how the universe was formed and how it will one day become. Therefore, cosmology affects a†¦show more content†¦This is true because as a student learns, he expands his vision of the world to include more than just what he is able to physically see. In addition, Spurgeon believes that astronomy will bring us into closer communion with God than any o ther science. This statement is debatable because God can be seen in many different areas of science. However, there is something about studying the vast universe that makes a person stand in awe under the night sky because the universe is so difficult for a small human mind to comprehend. This idea has been seen in the lives of Kepler and Newton. Both Kepler and Newton were awestruck at the wonders of the universe. However, astronomy would not have been made possible without the invention of the telescope. As Spurgeon said, â€Å"the Bible is to us what the telescope is to the astronomer†(Spurgeon 406). This quote has a lot of truth behind it because while the Bible is the owner’s manual to life, the telescope reveals the night sky to astronomers so that they are able to better study it. Spurgeon also realizes that worship through astronomy is not necessarily how everyone worships. Thus, he states, â€Å"worship the Lord in your own fashion†(Spurgeon 408). This is very significant in the article because it acknowledges that people can worship God in more than just one way. However, Spurgeon warned man about self-centeredness while worshiping. Spurgeon declared that, â€Å"we must not fall into that error, for just as theShow MoreRelatedWestern and Eastern Cosmologies1423 Words  | 6 PagesProfessor Stayton English 201 21 April 2015 Western and Eastern Cosmologies According to Drew Dellinger, the word cosmology has two definitions. The first definition of cosmology is: â€Å"the branch of philosophy dealing with the origin and general structure of the universe, with its parts, elements, and laws, and especially with such of its characteristics as space, time, causality, and freedom (Drew).†The second definition of cosmology is: â€Å"the branch of astronomy that deals with the general structureRead MoreIs The Big Bang Theory?884 Words  | 4 PagesWhat is the Big Bang theory? According to the bible and to scientist their are two different views. 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