Friday, May 22, 2020
Women s Leadership Of The Gcc Nations - 1305 Words
Without precedent for the GCC nations, Kuwait Shell in a joint effort with the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) held the inaugural International Professionals in Energy Conference (IPEC) under the topic Enabling Women s Leadership from 25 to 26 September. Shell illustrated amid the gathering, that by giving equivalent open doors and admiring the assorted qualities of ethnicity, age and sex, a working society where contrasts are esteemed will be will made. The gathering tended to fascinating points concentrating on the energizing open doors and additionally challenges for ladies to further their vocations, particularly in the oil and gas segment. It additionally profiled ladies examples of overcoming adversity and encounters that demonstrated that ladies are refined pioneers holding key positions in their particular organizations. Shell had a significant investment with addresses given by senior ladies pioneers from the association. Mrs. Clare Harris, Vice president of Gas Devel opment from Shell Qatar, Mrs. Marietta Vroon, Manager of Reservoir Modeling from Shell International, and Mrs. Sana Bardawil, Manager of External Affairs for Middle East from Shell Dubai. Talking about Shell in Kuwait s backing for the gathering, Mr. Ahmad Atallah, Chairman and Managing Director of Shell organizations in Kuwait said, Our choice to support the first International Professionals in Energy Conference (IPEC) originates from our solid faith in differences andShow MoreRelatedThe Low Cost Carrier Model - Air Arabia6118 Words  | 25 Pagespassenger traffic worldwide has increased 5.9% from the previous year for the period Jan-Sep 2006. Alarmingly, the Middle East has shown the strongest growth with a remarkable 15.4% for the first nine months of 2006 (Fig. 1). Within the Middle East, the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) region in particular has seen major developments. 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Each Emirate is named after its capital city, and Abu Dhabi city is the permanent capital of the nation. B- Climate The UAE generally has a dry climate with very high temperature and humidity in the summer. The hottest months are July and August when average maximum temperatures reach above 40  °C on the coastal Plain. Average minimum temperaturesRead MoreProposal For International Expansion Of Abercrombie And Fitch Into United Arab Emirates2421 Words  | 10 Pagesbe used for more Middle East expansion. Description of the Company Abercrombie and Fitch is a clothing retailer that began in 1996. It has both retail stores and online purchasing options for its customers. The store provides clothing to men, women, and kids, from bras to pants. Their stores carry all types of apparel including sweaters, active gear, coats, shirts and more. Abercrombie and Fitch has different stores under its major name, including Abercrombie kids and Hollister. 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Founded on May 26, 1981, GCC aimed to promote coordination between its member states.3 In 2003, approximately four million people lived in the UAE, with about one quarter residing in Dubai (835,000 men and 369,000 women).4 This population was predominantly not indigenous asRead MoreExample of Product Strategy13854 Words  | 56 PagesHotel Chola. The objective of ITCs entry into the hotels business was rooted in the concept of creating val ue for the nation. ITC chose the hotels business for its potential to earn high levels of foreign exchange, create tourism infrastructure and generate large scale direct and indirect employment. Since then ITCs Hotels business has grown to occupy a position of leadership, with over 90 owned and managed properties spread across India. 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By the mid – 1930’s, the organisation had 41 members and sales of more than $650,000. Throughout history, ACE has accomplished to solidify their position as one of the strongest and leading competitors in the hardware industry. 3.3.1 Mission The mission of the ACE teamRead MoreEurope Economic Crisis55278 Words  | 222 Pagespower into the economy complemented by strategic investments and measures to shore up business and labour markets. The overall fiscal stimulus, including the effects of automatic stabilisers, amounts to 5% of GDP in the EU. According to the Commission s analysis, unless policies take up the new challenges, potential GDP in the EU could fall to a permanently lower trajectory, due to several factors. First, protracted spells of unemployment in the workforce tend to lead to a permanent loss of skills.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Why Students Learn Different Ways And Usually Take Through...
RATIONALE Students learn in different ways and usually take in information from all of their senses e.g. haptic, iconic and echoic. However, students have a preference to which way they prefer to learn (Gilakjani, 2012). For this assessment I have created a workshop for students consisting of a range of activities. These activities will aim to support the learning types when retaining new knowledge. This will hopefully demonstrate to the students how different learning types learn better by doing different things. These activities are based on the David Kolb’s (1984) theory that students learn in different ways based on their personality type, educational specialisation, and career choice. I have used mnemonics as an example to demonstrate the learning theory. I have chosen the topic of mnemonics because they can help to retain information better, which can also help students. Mnemonics are anything that help to create better association with topics by improving the encoding of memory. Mnemonics work so well because they allow meaningful links to be created whether it’s visually, auditorily or kinaesthetically/tactilely (Rawlings, et al., 2004). Mnemonics are something that we’ve been using since primary school such as ‘I before E except after C.†However, some people are more likely to remember different mnemonics because of theirShow MoreRelatedUsing Crossword to Teach Vocabulary1576 Words  | 7 PagesENGLISH VOCABULARY TO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS BY USING CROSSWORD PUZZLE RAHAJENG Abstract Teaching vocabulary is something challenging, especially if it is done to elementary school students. It is chalenging because elementary school students usually do not like to learn something in a serious way. They are still children that like to play. A serious way in teaching will just make them bored. It is why teaching vocabulary to elementary school students requires creativity of the teacher. OneRead MoreThe Schools Our Children Deserve By Alfie Kohn1358 Words  | 6 Pagesfirst has information ‘drilled in,’ worksheets and behaviorism, and an emphasis on obedience. Students are individualized and run through like clockwork as teachers fill their brains like buckets -- math is usually the subject where this is the worst. In the second, children are taken seriously, and student questions shape the curriculum; critical thinking is fostered, students learn from each other, and the community is one of learning -- usually the arts are where this theory comes through the mostRead MoreProject Classroom Makeover By Cathy Davidson1384 Words  | 6 Pagesand to exclude certain groups. It may have been agreed that there needed to be a change in the way that the education system was set up. In her essay, â€Å"Project Classroom Makeover†, Cathy Davidson discusses how the â€Å"one size fits all†model of learning hinders students from learning in a new and modernized way. She suggests the notion that using technology to teach and learn can be effective in many ways. Davidson shows that using technology presents the opportunity for a traditional classroom to becomeRead MoreTaking Ownership Of My Learning887 Words  | 4 Pagesthat, as a learner I do take the driver s seat in the advancement of my educational career. There is greater autonomy at my disposal when I am able to interact with the subject matters being taught to me in more flexible and involved manner. Tools availed to a learner who is in charge of his learning process ar e quite effective. These include peer reviews, which enable me to get involved with fellow learners’ work. Particularly, peer review learning greatly encourages students to employ their judgmentRead MoreHow Children Learn With Technology For Presenting Instruction1534 Words  | 7 PagesChildren Learn 1 Alyssa Pradella EEC4219 Research Paper Research Paper How Children Learn How Children Learn 2 Whether a child has a disability or not, everyone learns in their own unique ways. Children can learn through listening, observing, questioning, playing, or being interactive. There are many different ways in which one can learn. We will go over the principles on how children learn includingRead MoreThe Gap Between Hearing And Deaf1254 Words  | 6 Pages American Sign Language (ASL) is known as one of the oldest ways of communicating for the deaf community. Through the use of visual gestures and hand signals, people across the nation use signing to receive and convey information, thus bridging the gap between hearing and deaf individuals. 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Also you have to understand the signs and symptoms of a learning disability. Everyone has their own unique learning style. Some people learn by seeing or readingRead MoreBenefits Of A Gap Year1498 Words  | 6 PagesSuppose you have a friend who decides to take a gap year before going to college. That friend becomes exposed to many opportunities that you do not have access to. Meanwhile, you decide to not take a gap year and continue your education by attending a college or university. Although you are not exposed to the same opportunities as your friend, you are still gaining a solid education. Not to mention that you are more likely to graduate before your friend to get your career started. Taking a gap year
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
History †Martin Luther King Free Essays
Martin Luther King’s Jr. was a man of great ambition. He had a dream of granting civil rights to colored people; eliminating poverty and war; and doing this all non-violently. We will write a custom essay sample on History – Martin Luther King or any similar topic only for you Order Now King’s utter passion significantly helped him achieve his dream. On the journey to reaching his goal, and after King accomplished many of the heroic archetypes. Therefore, one can consider Martin Luther King Jr. an archetypal hero. Segregation is the separation of humans into racial groups in daily life. Which then between the 1950s and 1960s black Americans had their time of suffering. In which the white people believed that separating white people from black people would change a lot of things. Racial tensions had escalated and demonstrations swelled for voting rights and school integration. In 1955 Martin Luther King became the leader in the Montgomery bus. The Community chose King to lead the boycott because the young minister was new to Montgomery and the city fathers had not had time to intimidate him. The protesters did a march down miles of roads for their intended to oppose the city’s policy of racial segregation on its public transit system. Fighting for what they think is right taken them about 381 days; they fought hard until they get what they started. The Montgomery bus boycott became very violent, so they fought very hard in the court. On November the 13th, after a year of blood, sweat and tears gone. The U. S Supreme Court ruled in favour, of the blacks and segregated buses were declared unconstitutional. The Montgomery bus Boycott was finally over. The boycott was a success because they all protested until everyone had enough. They never gave up on what they fought was right. Most important was when the Negros had enough and they wanted their rights back. As they protested and done other things they had many supports. The problem of this was the civil rights movement in the United States; it was a long primarily nonviolent struggle to bring full civil rights and equality under the law to all Americans. The movement has had a lasting impact on the United Sates Society. The Negros wanted to fight for their rights back because in many cities and towns, African-Americans were not allowed to share a taxi with whites or enter a building through the same entrance, and they thought well that is one selfish thing. They wanted the whites to accept them and be treated equally, by not their skin colour but the way that God created them. They thought that everyone is the same in different kind of way, â€Å"We all are human beings and all have something in common†. The Negros done lots of Protest and finally, that’s when Martin Luther King stood out and said what he thought was right for the world but mostly United State. King toured the country making speeches and urging more and more people to get involved in the civil rights movement . And as a result they finally got what they called rights. In 1964 the Civil Rights Act was passed because of Pressure by the civil rights movement. It was passed by Lyndon B. Johnson. He said that â€Å"Every American citizen must have an equal right to vote. †The Civil Rights Act was passed away because of the votes they got were unspeakable. Seventy Percent said that it should be passed way and the thirsty percent said that it shouldn’t. As the vote was taken in and final, they could not do anything about it and it was officially passed. It meant so much to the black people because now the Freedom Riders and the black and white people would travel around in buses to test if the new law would work. And that now they can make a difference! Then in 1965 the voting rights act was passed as well because of the civil rights movement. The Voting Rights Act was passed by Lyndon B. Johnson as well. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was a landmark piece of national legislation in the United States that outlawed discriminatory voting practices that had been responsible for the widespread disenfranchisement of African Americans in the U. S. When Johnson agreed to sign the paper the black people knew that they were closer each day to success. It meant a lot them this because it was a day to remember that they are finally getting respect from the whites. But as everything was going well, there were still failures for the Civil Rights Movement too. The Civil Rights Movement had many failures as do all social movements. But its strengths outweighed the mistakes it made and its legacy as a whole is a positive one. Businesses owned by people of colour are still denied equal access to markets, financing, and capital. Centuries of economic deprivation, and the problems stemming from it, remain largely un- addressed. But it still was alright because Movement was still a success. In Conclusion, the changes that were made in the civil rights movement has really helped America and leaded them to a place where they can find peace. And for the Civil rights Groups, there is so much that people have to say and so much that we still need to learn from you. They were very successful because they were the freedom fighter and they were the ones who believed and never gave up. How to cite History – Martin Luther King, Essay examples
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