Sunday, May 10, 2020
Why Students Learn Different Ways And Usually Take Through...
RATIONALE Students learn in different ways and usually take in information from all of their senses e.g. haptic, iconic and echoic. However, students have a preference to which way they prefer to learn (Gilakjani, 2012). For this assessment I have created a workshop for students consisting of a range of activities. These activities will aim to support the learning types when retaining new knowledge. This will hopefully demonstrate to the students how different learning types learn better by doing different things. These activities are based on the David Kolb’s (1984) theory that students learn in different ways based on their personality type, educational specialisation, and career choice. I have used mnemonics as an example to demonstrate the learning theory. I have chosen the topic of mnemonics because they can help to retain information better, which can also help students. Mnemonics are anything that help to create better association with topics by improving the encoding of memory. Mnemonics work so well because they allow meaningful links to be created whether it’s visually, auditorily or kinaesthetically/tactilely (Rawlings, et al., 2004). Mnemonics are something that we’ve been using since primary school such as ‘I before E except after C.†However, some people are more likely to remember different mnemonics because of theirShow MoreRelatedUsing Crossword to Teach Vocabulary1576 Words  | 7 PagesENGLISH VOCABULARY TO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS BY USING CROSSWORD PUZZLE RAHAJENG Abstract Teaching vocabulary is something challenging, especially if it is done to elementary school students. It is chalenging because elementary school students usually do not like to learn something in a serious way. They are still children that like to play. A serious way in teaching will just make them bored. 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